Thursday, February 9, 2012

little e & sister jackie

many of you have asked how jackie the cat has been doing since ellery was born. it's pretty common knowledge that jack may not be the most friendly cat in the world. she's got quite a bit should i put it...sass. more than one cat should have. we adopted her while we were in chicago, so we like to think she was rescued from the city. and she's just so tough because she had to survive the mean streets of chicago. call us crazy. but we do love that cat, sass and all.

and really, she's been great with ellery. only a few hisses or growls. most of the time, she's just a little curious and will peep at her while she's in her car seat or her swing. or she just totally ignores the fact the e is here and snoozes away. lately though, she's been inching closer and closer to ellery, testing the waters to see if it's okay. jack even let ellery touch her a few times.

so all in all, jack's been taking this all pretty well. i think she sometimes even enjoys having a babe in the house. though she will always still be jackie. and will always be a bit territorial (see pictures on play mat as proof). we still love her. and so does the e babe.

"love you sister jackie!!" - ellery :)

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