Sunday, January 1, 2012

more friends to meet!

i know many of you were very excited for kyle and i during our pregnancy. but one person who is pretty close to the top of the list for "most excited" is my friend colleen. with every phone call, text, or email i received from her, you could always tell just how genuinely happy she was for kyle and i, and how much she was looking forward to meeting ellery! after all, ellery did attend her wedding. in fact, ellery was one of her bridesmaids as well :)

so at the end of december, when colleen came from california, ellery finally got to meet one of her biggest fans! colleen's cousin hannah came along as well, and probably got to learn a lot more than she every wanted to about pregnancy, labor & delivery and babies. it was so nice to just catch up and relax with colleen, and she was such a natural at holding & soothing ellery. e fell right to sleep in her arms :)

(sidenote - the pants ellery is wearing in the picture are newborn size. as you can tell, they're closer to capris now than pants. she's growing so fast! she's now in 0-3month clothes, but sometimes 3-6 fits just right too!)

we have been surrounded by such a loving group of friends and family. ellery is so blessed to have each of you in her life! with each visitor, phone call, or card we realize how truly loved our little girl is. thank you!

1 comment:

Denise said...

Awww....there's my other little candy striper, Colleen! You look so good in these pics! Congrats and thanks visiting my baby girls and Kyle!