Friday, December 30, 2011

little ergo baby

one of ellery's favorite things is her ergo baby carrier (thanks mamaw & pampaw!). it was highly recommended to us, and now that we know ellery loves to snuggle, we are very thankful we have it! ellery will fall asleep in our arms, and if we lay her down in her bassinet, swing or her crib, she wakes up in 10 minutes or less, not very happy she's not sleeping on us anymore! you can imagine it makes it a little hard to get anything done - like dishes or laundry. and though i am all about cuddling all day with my babe if that's what she needs, we also need plates to eat on and clean clothes :) so as i looked into it, other moms recommended putting ellery in the carrier around the house so she can be close and i can get things done. it worked like a charm! e normally falls right to sleep in it.

below are some pictures of e and i getting ready to go on a little walk using her ergo carrier. as you can tell from the pictures, she wasn't so sure in the beginning... this was the first time in her cute snow suit (thanks aunt beth & uncle mike!) the white cushion she's laying in is the newborn head support - it helps her hold that little head up (that hair weighs a lot!) until she gets better control of her head. but once i got her all bundled and strapped in, she was ready to hit the town! i love it because i have my hands free! and both of our favorites - all that snuggling keeps both of us toasty warm :)

that face... too stinkin' cute

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