Friday, January 20, 2012

mommy & baby yoga

ellery and i recently started to go to a mommy & baby yoga class at destination maternity. i attended a few classes there while i was pregnant and loved them. if you are a mama or mama-to-be, you should definitely check them out. the classes are free and best of all, a lot of fun for both me & e!

ellery's favorite part of the class is the baby massage, which lucky for her, is the first 10-15 minutes of class. she just lays there and looks completely relaxed. we also do this as part of her bedtime routine after getting a bath, and she absolutely loves it - letting out lots of coos & smiles. her fav is when daddy helps out, too!

the rest of the class is mostly for mom, though ellery joins me for a few of the workouts - like being lifted to work my biceps or laying on my legs as i do crunches. it actually helps a lot - with each crunch, i come up and am greeted by a big smile, as if she's saying "you go mama! you're doing great! i'm just the cutest baby in the world, right?" and other times, she does a little tummy time workout while we do our yoga. though, she normally ends up resting on the boppy with sophie :)

what's even better is katie & scarlett join us for class now, too. scarlett loves it, especially sitting by the mirror and making faces, or checking out what ellery's up to. too cute. now each week, we look forward to mondays for our yoga time!

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