Saturday, January 21, 2012

daddy & the bottle

sometime right before e's 2 month b-day, i realized i was tired. exhausted really. ellery is a good sleeper, but i just couldn't get used to the broken sleep (and i still struggle with it ). waking up anywhere from 1-3 times during the night to feed & rock her. it took me forever to fall back to sleep. and shortly after i did, e would be requesting my presence again. i felt like a zombie during the day. a tired, grouchy one at that.

kyle kept urging me to start pumping. i'm not sure why i was so hesitant. e & i had a good thing going with breastfeeding & i didn't want to mess it up. but i realized, seeing as she was almost 2 months, we prob were good to go. so we started pumping. i decided to get a manual pump since i will be home with e & will feed her most of the time. and there was a significant price difference. i thought it would be a hassle & take forever pumping by hand, but really, it's not too bad. and after just two times, i had enough for 1 bottle.

her very first bottle.

kyle & i were excited, and a little nervous, to see how she'd do, or if she would take it at all. daddy grabbed the babe and the bottle, and gave it a try. what do you know.... she guzzled it right down! we were so proud!

what we didn't expect was how special kyle felt feeding her. i always told him how much i loved it, and he gets to share in that now. it was such a special, precious moment. i love those two so much.

so, what's great is, now kyle can feed ellery. and respond to her night time requests :) what's been fabulous is the past 2 sundays, kyle let me sleep in while he got up with ellery, fed her, did tummy time & even had her sneak in a nap all before i woke up, feeling wonderfully rested. i think i'm going to like this bottle business :)

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