Thursday, September 22, 2011

preggo update: 7 months

i can't believe how fast this pregnancy is flying by! i am officially in my third trimester. now that summer is coming to a close, december seems like it's right around the corner. kyle and i both say, " i just wish she were here!" though we are soaking up time together and enjoying baby girl while she's still in my belly!

baby girl now weighs about 2 1/2 lbs ( as much as a chinese cabbage or a butternut squash! we just picked up a butternut squash at the farmers market to make soup to celebrate how big she's getting!) and is over 15 inches long from head to toe. she loves loves loves to move around, and still likes pushing that little booty out - when she does it, you can see it poke out from my belly! she's getting pretty strong with those pushes! kyle is still amazed feeling and watching her move. just last night before going to bed, we laid there and just watched my belly - it looks like a waterbed waving back and forth. if only we could see what she is up to in there!

so, here is a little update on what kyle, baby girl, and i have been up to this past month:

How far along? 29 weeks (30 tomorrow!!)

Total weight gain: about 16-18 pounds. baby girl and i went to the doctor just yesterday and he said we were doing wonderfully both weight-wise & how my uterus measured.

Maternity clothes? yes! and the maternity jeans from old navy fit. i have been wearing them every day now that fall is here :)

Stretch marks? none that i can see, but my belly is still a tiny bit red from the babymoon burn!

Sleep: i woke up this morning with a total of 4 pillows on my side! i have one against my back, one for my head, one to cuddle with in my arms, and one between my legs. i think if you asked kyle, he may tell you i'm taking up more than my half of the bed... and then jackie has really been into sleeping with us lately. thanks for putting up with all the girls, kyle!!

Best moment this month: we finally found a dresser for the nursery! and our landlords had the room painted! (pictures to come soon!)

Have you told family and friends: um, of course! BUT we're still keeping the name under wraps :) look for another clue coming soon!

Movement: yes! still waiting to be able to tell what we're feeling - whether she's poking out her head, or a foot, or that cute little booty!

Food cravings: lately, i've wanted grapes a lot. and juice. but other than that, still no real cravings!

Anything making you queasy or sick: i just went to the doctor yesterday & took the o'sullivan's test to make sure i don't have gestational diabetes. they give you this high-sugar drink and then you have to wait an hour. the drink was carbonated & tasted just like sprite, so that wasn't bad. but as i was waiting, i started to feel a little funny & queasy. but not too bad... thankful it wore off quickly!

Have you started to show yet: yes, kyle thinks i "really" look pregnant now! its funny to go back and look at pictures from 3 or 4 months - then i really look big! wonder how i'll feel toward the end!

Labor Signs: nope - keep growing little girl! you've still got awhile to go!

Belly Button in or out? it's nearing the flat stage - neither in nor out! what's funny though is that giacomo, the little boy i nanny, knows where baby is. when i ask, he always says "baby" and proceeds to lift up my shirt to get a good look at my belly. and inevitably, he pokes at my belly button and says, "hi baby!" too cute

Wedding rings on or off? still on!

Happy or Moody most of the time: pretty happy lately! been waiting for the third trimester tiredness to start in, but for now, i'm feeling good.

Cute Sayings by Kyle: (so i just added this category!) the past few months, kyle has said some pretty sweet things that melt my heart... here are two:

1. (while talking about things on the registry) k: "are there any like cat/baby toys?" a: "what do you mean" k: "like toys that help babies get used to cats and playing with them. then our girls (meaning baby girl and our cat jackie) can play together."

2. (my fav - while hanging out in the living room) a: "wow, baby girl is really moving around in there!! k: (looking up at me) "i just love her..."

Milestones: the babymoon!!! and also just this week kyle and i went to a breastfeeding class together. slowly preparing to be mama and dad!


Momma :) said...

Seriously ...can you look any cuter!! Love you so much !! Can't wait to see you soon!!!

Just Your Momma wondering..... said...

By the way did I miss what her name :)

daniel.and.stefanie said...

Hey Andrea!! I just found your blog a couple weeks ago and LOVE reading updates about your baby girl!! I'm so excited for you guys :) Just wanted to let you know I've been encourage by your posts. Hope you're doing well! (PS this is Stefanie Cinadr from Miami :)