Friday, September 2, 2011

Off for the babymoon....

hi all!!

just wanted to let you all know we leave bright and early tomorrow morning for our babymoon! some of you are wondering, "baby what??" so here's a little definition:


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A babymoon is a period of time that parents spend bonding with a recently-born baby.

More recently the term has come to be used to describe a vacation taken by a couple that is expecting a baby in order to allow the couple to enjoy a final trip together before the many sleepless nights that usually accompany a newborn baby. Babymoons usually take place at a resort that offers appropriate services like prenatal massage.

obviously we'll do plenty of special bonding once baby girl is here, so for now we're following the latter part of the definition!

so, we are off to naples, florida for much needed rest & relaxation! (thank you so much to aunt kathy & uncle terry for allowing us to use their condo & to kyle's parents for setting up our flights!) the past few weeks have been busy busy here. kyle has been working like a dog in the OR and I currently have a pretty mean case of bronchitis. this past week really has been a blur - full of work, running around, sleepless nights with lots of coughing... but of course baby girl letting us know she's still here with lots of kicks!! (ps- this week, at 27 weeks pregnant, she is the weight of a cauliflower!) so this trip is here at a perfect time, not only for kyle and i to soak up time together, but to just sit back, r-e-l-a-x, and have nothing to do!

we would love it if you could pray for our travels - especially our many connecting flights. please pray our bodies would feel well-rested and i would be healed of this mean ol' bronchitis. there are supposed to be scattered thunderstorms all week - if we could get just 1-2 beautiful days at the beach, i would be a happy girl. but most of all, please pray this would be a trip that brings kyle & i even closer together, a time we can reflect on where God has brought us, how He has blessed us, and the amazing future He has for us, especially as parents.

thank you for being a part of our lives & our journey to becoming mommy & daddy. we love you! be back in a week!!

1 comment:

Alex said...

Have a wonderful trip :)