Friday, August 26, 2011

four years old

on august 25th, kyle and i celebrated our four year anniversary - our last one as a family of two! as fast as this pregnancy is flying by, those past 4 years have gone by even faster. though, it's amazing to thing of all the things we've done and places we've been in those years. meeting at miami university in ohio. getting married and moving to dominica for kyle to go to medical school. moving to chicago for rotations. and now settling down for the next 3 years in milwaukee. we have both loved every single moment of every adventure.

and though it sounds corny, i can't think of anything better than being married to kyle, my best friend. though it's not always perfect, not always smiles, i can fully rely on the fact that i can trust kyle with everything, especially to lead our family. i love how faithful and dependable he is - not just as a husband, but as a man in general, whether it's at work or in his friendships. i know that kyle will always do what's best not just for him, but for both of us, and now, the soon-to-be three of us (4, sorry jackie!) God has revealed to me so, so many ways why He brought kyle and i together, how i am more the woman He created me to be because of kyle, how He is always teaching me and drawing me closer to Him through Kyle, and how we have the amazing responsibility to reflect His love through our marriage. i couldn't ask for a better partner to share all that with!

so yesterday, the night of our anniversary, we relaxed at home. i made dinner & dessert and we of course had to celebrate with sparkling grape juice. we talked about all the memories we've made so far. our favorite parts of marriage. and like we always do, set goals for this next year (last year, i said i wanted to get pregnant!)

the sweet flowers kyle got for me :)

we watched the slide show from our wedding (thank you again o'brien!) and then my favorite, we read through our wedding ceremony, reciting our vows again and making sure we are sticking to them! it was just a great night to thank God for how He's blessed us with each other and all the adventures He's brought us on, and look at where we want our marriage to be in the next year, or 5 years or 50 years from now!

so kyle joseph, thank you for being my best friend and the most amazing husband. God blessed me with you, knowing exactly what i wanted and needed in a husband, and for that, i'll never stop giving Him thanks. happy four years!!

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