Thursday, May 24, 2012

first momma's day!

my very first mother's day! we celebrated last year when i was pregnant (kyle got me a heating pad for my sore back!), but this year makes it all official. gaining the titles of wife and mom are my all-time favorite accomplishments, ones that have and are currently transforming me into the woman i know the Lord created me to be. i feel beyond blessed by the family He has given me, and every day just look at ellery and am in awe of His love, His creativity and the way He must value me, to find me worthy to care for this sweet baby. though i will never fully understand or grasp it, being a mom and caring for ellery has given me a deeper glance at God's love for us as a father, as a parent. with the amount that my heart overflows with love and care for ellery, it is hard to imagine to imagine that God loves her, and everyone of us, with a love that is so much deeper, so much stronger. i thank Him all the time for that daily reminder He gives me through ellery. so amazing.

we spent my special day together as a family, first going to church then grabbing lunch. we were all set to head to the lake for a little picnic by the water, when unfortunately, kyle got called into work. thankfully, it was a quick case and he was done before we knew it! so instead of eating by the lake, we headed for the backyard while ellery snoozed in her stroller and i ate my lunch, patiently waiting for kyle to get home. once he did, it wasn't long before ellery woke up and the three of us were ready for a relaxing afternoon. we spent the day lounging on a blanket in the backyard, mostly staring at ellery, unable to get over how incredibly sweet and cute-as-can-be our daughter is.

kyle and ellery had a little arts n' crafts time earlier in the week & made me a little mother's day coupon booklet. and some of the coupons, i can't even put a price on - like one night of uninterrupted sleep (kyle would go in with ellery), two free diaper changes (saving them for the really bad ones!) and one coupon for a daddy/daughter night while i go out with girlfriends. but my favorite part of the gift - kyle helped ellery do some finger paintings, and used her beautiful work to make the book. the day they made it, kyle stripped e down to her diaper and let her go to town! i loved loved hearing the two of them busy at work while i was in the kitchen. they both make me feel so precious, so valued, and needed and loved. this is one happy mama :)

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