Saturday, March 17, 2012

soakin' up the sunshine

we are LOVING this warm weather in wisconsin! i am so so very thankful winter was nice to us. because we didn't have a lot of snow, i came to enjoy & appreciate when those flakes would start to fall. but now, the morgan girls are ready for springtime, sunshine, and warm weather! ellery and i have really tried to take advantage of this early spring.

first off, we had to go out and get ellery a super cute hat. though a lot of my clothing purchases for e aren't quite necessary, more because i can't resist some of those adorable outfits, i would say this hat falls in category of necessary. gotta protect that precious skin from the sun! and thankfully, baby girl didn't seem to mind having it on her head.

so we grabbed a blanket, some toys and books, and headed to the backyard. ellery looked all around, taking in the world around her with those big eyes. we read some stories. did some tummy time. and her favorite right now - i put her up on my knees and let her fly around like an airplane. such a beautiful afternoon!

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