Monday, February 20, 2012

still bouncin'...

while i was pregnant, we bought an exercise ball to help with back pain & labor. well, i really only used it a hand full of times. little did we know how much ellery would love it once she was born and out in the world! from the time we brought her home, she has loved bouncing on the ball - it has calmed her down and put her to sleep many a nights.

well, she still loves bouncing! and i love that it's become kyle's "thing" to do with her. if she 's being a little fuss... to the ball daddy takes her! ellery's waking up for the third time in the night ... to the ball she goes with daddy!

now, that ball has become a permanent piece of furniture in our living room. and we may be kicking ourselves later, but for now it works. so bounce on daddy & ellery, bounce on!

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