Tuesday, February 28, 2012

happy 3 months ella belle!

ellery is growing into such a sweet, joyful, FUN baby! this past month, she has grown oh so much - and not just physically (though, she still is in the 90th percentile, packin' on the pounds!). she is starting to develop such a cute little personality, full of coos, smiles, and funny faces.

be sure to click on the picture above to read all about her favorite and not-so-favorite things this past month. also, below is a little update of all things ellery. enjoy!

eat: like i said, baby girl is steadily packing on the pounds! i don't have an eating schedule for her, just let her call the shots & eat when she's hungry. it works out pretty well! thankfully, we haven't had any trouble with breastfeeding and i love that it's such a special time for e & i to share. as she's learning to use her hands more, it's funny to watch her tug at my shirt or my hair (ouch!) as she's eating. and she definitely likes to wiggle and make lots of noise, too! oh, and she's also gotten pretty good at letting us know when she's hungry or tired - she sticks out her bottom lip, starts to quiver a little, and busts out in this big, shrieking cry. the girl knows what she wants & when she wants it!

sleep: again, ellery isn't on any kind of sleep schedule, but going with her flow has really worked out! she transitioned really well into her crib - before she was even 2 months old, which i thought she would be in our room at least until 3 months. her normal bedtime is around 10pm and then she normally sleeps until 4am. i feed her for 15-35 minutes, then she normally snoozes until about 7am, sometimes waking up when daddy gets up at 5:30am. most mornings after daddy is up or leaves for work, e will come in bed and snuggle with me while she eats & dozes off again, normally until about 9am! i can definitely deal with that sleeping schedule!

she's getting better at naps, slowly but surely. she used to only nap in our arms. anytime i put her down anywhere, she would wake up after 20 minutes obviously still sleepy but wanting to be back in my arms! we've just trued to be diligent at helping her go back to sleep & laying her back down. it seems to be working - she's been taking about 45 min naps every few hours. which is a huge help to mama!

ellery still loves being all swaddled up like a burrito, though she is quickly outgrowing her sleep sack. some nights she'll sneak her hand out, but then cry for me to come wrap her back up! and she is starting to try & roll over, which means when she finally gets that down, no more swaddling so she doesn't get stuck on her tummy with no arms to roll back over. i'm kind of dreading transitioning to no swaddling since she sleeps so well with it. any tips & suggestions are welcome! (i've tried no swaddle for naps & she quickly wakes herself up my flinging her arms around).

poop: we are using the cloth diapers and we have slowly learned to love them! we use the bumgenius one size pocket diapers, and they're pretty user friendly. starting off, i was a little overwhelmed with the whole washing process. you essentially do 2 1/2 loads of laundry to clean one batch of diapers. and i do that about every other day. yikes. it seemed so time consuming and a bit wasteful of energy/water. and for the first few times, the diapers still came out dirty! but once we found our own method for laundering them and got in the flow of a schedule, it hasn't been so bad. and even better, we haven't had diaper rash or a single blow-out (aka poop up the back, exploding out of the diaper) with cloth diapers. using disposables, we definitely have had some days with multiple outfit changes. though, the cloth do make her booty look so big, especially in leggings. we still have some disposables we use, so on days where she's wearing her pants a little tighter, i put a disposable on her to minimize the backside :)

play: like i said, ellery is just so FUN nowadays! she is cooing & making noises. she is starting to roll - both from her belly to back and her back to her side. (sometimes at night, i'll find that she moved herself a full 90 degrees in her crib. she looks as confused about how she got that way as i do! though, all that moving has left e with quite the bald patch on the back of her head. pics to some in another post). she has also found her hands, which has opened up a whole new world of batting at hanging toys & reaching for them on her play mat, and also eating & sucking on her hands. she is still rocking tummy time, and can turn her head a full 180degrees and back as she holds herself up. she also loves to stand while we hold her and move those legs! (she almost looks like she's hula dancing!) also, no longer does she like to be held in a cradle position (unless she's eating, and watch out, she'll try to find a food source on you even in you aren't mom!). instead, she likes to face out or be high on our shoulder so she can look out and see the world. she loves silly songs that mom makes up (like changing the words to the song b-i-n-g-o to fit ellery's name) and she adores staring & smiling at her daddy!

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