Thursday, January 12, 2012

good mornin' sunshine

ellery is such a cutie pie when she wakes up in the morning. it's one of my favorite times with her. when we unzip her out of her sleep sack, she always throws her arms up in a big stretch. then she makes these crazy faces, sticking out her tongue, all the while cooing and grunting. and then, the smiles come! and lately, she gets so happy when we tell her good morning, she puts on a big smile then starts saying, "hoo hoo" like a little owl. so so cute.

we thought we'd give you a little peak into one of our mornings. daddy was there, which was extra special. enjoy the videos below (and please try to ignore my baby talk :) at least ellery loves it!)

daddy does a little dance to get ellery smiling... and little did he know i was recording it :)

1 comment:

Maureen Morgan said...

Oh - these videos are just what I needed! Almost felt like I was there - but still have to hold her soon. Thank you. So very precious. xoxo