Tuesday, January 10, 2012

ellery's 1 month appointment

our little girl is growing so fast! we went for her 1 month appointment on january 9th, which really, we went when she was 6 weeks so just a little over a month old. and, on that same day, i went for my 6 week postpartum appointment. a day at the doctors' offices - what fun! ellery and i were actually pretty proud of ourselves. we made it to both appointments on time, and even managed to sneak in a trip to the mall in between. and thankfully, both of us checked out great!

ellery is one growing girl, and from the numbers, we can tell she is still an awesome eater! she was in the 90th percentile for both her weight (10 pounds 15 ounces) and her height (22 1/2 inches). kyle says it's a good thing she's packing on the pounds & getting taller at the same time, instead of being short & a little chunk! i think she's carrying a lot of that weight just in her chubby cheeks :) love em! she was also in the 50th percentile for her head circumference.

this was also her first appointment she had to get a shot. and let me tell you, i think i hated it more than she did! she got her first round of the hep b shot at the hospital, but thankfully she was whisked away and we didn't see the shot. but this time, i was right there for her, and though the dr. & nurse said it wouldn't be too bad (i mean really, who loves shots??), ellery cried as soon as they poked her! thankfully, after i fed her and we left, she wasn't fussy or overtired. and plus, she looked super cute with no pants and her mary jane socks while she got the shot :)

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