Monday, November 28, 2011

she's on her way!!

it all started at the grocery store.... with my maternity pants almost falling off (major problem when your maternity pants are too small for your big belly!!), i wandered the aisle feeling pain in my lower abdomen. i shuffled out, holding my pants & groceries and hurried home.

that was about 1pm. the pain kept on coming, but no contractions. that all changed about 4-4:30. I got contractions with the pain, what a fun combo!! kyle and i were both filled with a nervous excitement... could this be labor? is our sweet girl ready to come out?

so, i did what any normal person would do... i started wrapping christmas presents. k had already put up the lights earlier that day. the tree was up & jackie was quietly asleep....

then the contractions started getting stronger and closer together - like crazy close, 2 1/2 minutes close. so i got a little freaked out. we called the doctor. he said we could wait it out or head to the hospital, but with them being so close, he leaned more toward going to the hospital to see how far along i was. so i told kyle it may be time to hit the road.

we were also supposed to have young life girls over for cabin time/Bible study. up until talked to dr. mccann i was all about still having them over, and having another leader do all the talking. but i soon realized these girls may get more than they bargained for if they came over... but what was fun was they all met at our place, then headed to another house to meet. i loved seeing them & just being encouraged by such beautiful ladies!

so... k and i went around the house picking up last minute things, making the bed, cleaning up wrapping paper. and i realized the contractions were further apart, though just as strong. i started to feel like i could stay home a bit more. we called the dr. and set out on an adventure of birthing pain relief techniques.

we said lots of prayers. i got in the bath tub - which was so great. kyle sat beside me in the bathroom and we talked. still wondering is this real labor?? he read me one of ellery's books - counting kisses - so sweet. then we laid down on the bed, which was nice but then i started to get stronger contractions and wasn't sure what to do for them. i feel like i squeezed kyle's hand so tight. i pulled on his fingers and arms. i just squirmed a lot. and i started to get a little nervous, thinking maybe we should have gone to the hospital a bi earlier. then, it was 10pm, so it had been about 5 1/2 hours since the contractions started. i told k i thought i was time... and as i attempted to throw last minute items in my bag, i had to stop every few minutes, call for kyle and basically bear hug him, hanging from his neck, until the contraction stopped. i thought we were never going to make it outta there!

finally we were all loaded up on our way to the hospital. i called & talked to my mom, which was so comforting. i only had 2 contractions in the car. once at the hospital & standing at admitting, i had several contractions that were pretty stinkin strong...

we went up to the birthing floor & we were lead to our room - the room that while we were on our tour, we were told it was the biggest & had the best view, thanks Lord for that little blessing :) they checked me - 5 cm!! they said that it normally takes the longest to get to that point, and were impressed i got to that point at home. again, thanks God, and kyle too!! At that point the contractions were picking up intensity. i could breath through them ok. but they were just uncomfortable...

so at that point i decided to get an epidural. it didnt take long for them to get me my fluids and soon the anesthesiologist was here. k asked if he could watch and the doctor was nice enough to let him. our sweet nurse barbara stayed with me while the "doctors" gave me a perfect epidural! i still feel the contractions and my legs - just feels like pressure instead of pain. i felt comfy, and so happy and excited i could fully focus on the fact that our sweet girl would be here oh so soon. i love the fact that i'm sitting here writing this, with kyle snoozing in a chair to my right, talking to ellery and i can feel her respond with a little kick or nudge. see you soon baby girl!

as of right now, 4:12am, i am 8cm and already feeling a decent amount of pressure to get pushing soon. our nurse thinks i won't be pushing long because ellery's head is so low. in awe of all of this, the amazing moments already created today and that sweet memory we will have of first holding our daughter. so amazing....


Julie D said...

I gotta love a girl who blogs while in labor.

Go Andrea!!!!!

Megan said...

Just saw the pics on facebook! I love her hair!!! She is gorgeous! So happy for you and Kyle!

Mom said...

I just read this again for millionth time....sigh....I can't believe it was a week ago and I was talking and texting you through out your labor! Love modern technology! I remember reading this for the first time in the car to Maureen as she and I were driving through the night like crazy grandmothers trying to get to you, Kyle and baby Ellery! I laughed as I finished reading it saying..that crazy girl is blogging while she is having a baby! I laugh as I read the events of the day and hear me repeating to you I think you are in labor! What a wonderful, crazy, blessed time ! So proud of your strength and the continued grace you always show. Thank you and Kyle for the wonderful gift, of Ellery. You will always be my baby girl....