Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Date Day

as ellery's due date approaches, kyle and i are quickly realizing an end of an era is coming. the era of just the two of us. of being spontaneous (well, as much as we can be spontaneous with a resident's schedule!) sleeping in on the weekends. sleeping through the night. taking off to chicago or indy or ohio with just a few days notice. the end of just kyle and andrea. though we can't wait until our little ellery is here, i know we're going to miss and cherish the time we have left of "just us two" these next few weeks.

so, as we think about how our lives are going to be changed forever by this beautiful little girl, we also started to think of ways we can really "live it up" before she's born. we started thinking of things we wanted to do together, restaurants we wanted to eat at. and we thought we'd share one of those special date days with you! (ps - if any of you have suggestions of things we should do before baby e is here, leave a comment & let us know!)

our disc-golfing date day

pretty much ever since we moved here, kyle has been asking me to go disc golfing. not that i didn't want to, but normally when kyle would go, he'd round up some friends & hit the course. well, one sunny day last month kyle rounded me up and we went on a little frisbee adventure.

to start the day, we got up, made breakfast (a really fancy one - cereal) and went to the front porch. when we first moved into our duplex, we fell in love with the front porch. there's a school and playground right across the street, and often we'll get to catch some gym class dodgeball game or (kyle's fav) a dad and his kids out doing some batting practice. we don't hang on the porch as much as we should, so we thought we would take advantage.

we chatted. talked about ellery of course. we prayed for her. for our families. for our marriage. for our friends. we read the bible. we just connected, in such a special way. it was the perfect way to start our day. and jackie agreed too - we let her outside, and i think it's her favorite thing in the world. she stalks around in the grass as if she's not a lazy house cat, on the prowl for some prey. oh jack.

next, we were off to dineen park where they have a disc golf course. actually, the last time kyle went, there was a shooting on the course. crazy thing is the police let them play through, they just had to skip a few holes. sounds like a perfectly romantic spot for a date-day, right :)

the day was absolutely perfect - a little breeze and sunshine. i just wish kyle would have told me to work out a little before we went out there. with my first throw, i sadly realized how not-so-far my disc went. kyle was generous and let me have several re-do's. i actually got better along the way. k was a rock star of course. he loves any kind of sport, and he's such a good athlete. so it's fun to get to do "his thing" with him, though i very rarely beat him (except putt-putt!!)

well, half way through the course, i realized i was moving slower. a lot slower. i was breathing heavier. ok, a lot heavier. i felt like such a wimp. walking, i would be slouched over, saying, hey kyle, think we could slow it down? (and at my pace, i think the equivalent of slowing down would be moving at a snail's pace). but kyle was sweet and patient with me. and reminded me i was pregnant and i had every reason to be a little out of breath and tired. thanks dr. morgan :)

we made it through about 3/4 of the course, then decided to hit the road. yes, kyle beat me :) we went home, grabbed lunch and relaxed a bit. then i got a boost of energy so we decided to go on a walk. the leaves just started to change and the trees in our neighborhood were gorgeous. kyle said he drove home the other day and thought, i need to take a picture of andrea & ellery on our street. so we did. we had our own mini photo session before we hit the road.

we walked around tosa toward the downtown area. kyle was lulled to a football field, hart park, by the sounds of whistles and announcers. it was a little league football game - the junior red raiders. k was hooked so we stayed for about the whole second half. remember i said how much he loves sports? well, after that, we did end up in the tosa village, doing one of the things i love - shopping! there's a super cute shop named juxt that has odds and ends for baby and home. it's fun to just go in, dream, and get decorating ideas. after some wandering and browsing, we hit the road.

the rest of the night we just spent relaxing (you can imagine this preggo lady was a bit tired after all that walking & activity!) it was perfect and i loved it.

oh, and i forgot about this picture... remember our christmas card last year?? oh how the times have changed. (kyle was a bit surprised when he picked me up... he got a bit of a workout holding up his two girls!)

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