Friday, August 26, 2011

preggo update: 6 months

these months are flying by! i'm already 6 1/2 months pregnant! so far this month, baby girl has been the length of a ear of cob, the weight of a rutabaga, and now today, she is the length of a cucumber. (and English hothouse cucumber to be exact - whatever that is!)

baby girl is now on the move more than ever... and not only can we feel her, but clearly see her move as well. just watching my belly, she can get it rocking & shaking. and just this week, we realized now we can really "feel" her. before, it would just be a simple kick or punch here of there. but now i can gently press on my belly and actually feel where she is, which is pretty amazing! now we just have to figure out where we're poking her - probably on her head or that cute little booty :)

i found this fun little questionnaire that i thought would be a good way to update you on how mama-to-be is doing. overall, i still love being pregnant - i love seeing kyle already becoming a daddy, i love bonding with our little girl before she even makes her first appearance, and i love just having a big ol' belly (though, at times, my clothes don't love me being a bit bigger!) so here you are, a 6 month update on our growing girl!

How far along? 26 weeks

Total weight gain: i would guess about 12-15 pounds (our next appt is monday so i'll have a better idea then! )

Maternity clothes? yes! they are becoming a necessity - especially pants!! i'll just stand in my closet and yell to kyle, "do i really need to wear anything on my bottom half today??" i just ordered some maternity jeans, hopefully they fit!

Stretch marks? i may have the beginning signs of one... yikes! we quickly ran out and got palmer's cocoa butter for stretch marks :)

Sleep: i'm starting to get a bit more tired during the day, but don't really take naps. and then at night, baby girl really gets moving... which causes mama to toss and turn all night... so i'm not sure the last time i felt 100% rested, but i'm sure a lot of people feel that way, pregnant or not! (especially kyle waking up at 5am every day!)

Best moment this month: getting the nursery going (though it is stressing me out because i'm being so indecisive!) and being able to really feel baby girl!

Have you told family and friends: um, of course! BUT we're still keeping the name under wraps :)

Movement: yes!

Food cravings: i was hoping i would have more cravings or just enjoy food more in general but that really hasn't been a big part of my pregnancy... though i guess i have been craving fruit, and lately i've mentioned quite frequently to kyle how good donuts and chocolate cake sound

Anything making you queasy or sick: nope, not really... though i did make a big batch of chicken & mushroom pasta last week in hopes we would have lots of leftovers for lunch & busy nights... but after eating it once, for some reason i couldn't even look at it without thinking, "yuck!" - so poor kyle finished off the whole batch by himself over the past week.

Have you started to show yet: yup yup yup - when i feel really big, i tell kyle "today i'm feelin' large and in charge!"

Labor Signs: nope - keep growing little girl! you've still got awhile to go!

Belly Button in or out? it's nearing the flat stage - neither in nor out!

Wedding rings on or off? still on!

Happy or Moody most of the time: i've been pretty happy & relaxed the whole pregnancy. though lately, i've been stressing about decorating the nursery (yes, i even broke down and cried once... over a dresser...) and if you ask kyle, he would very kindly tell you i may be a little more sassy than usual as well

Weekly Wisdom: hmm... constantly remembering what a blessing this pregnancy is, and what a gift that parenting and this little girl will be to kyle and i!

Milestones: chopping off my long, long hair... then constantly telling kyle how i want it back :)

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