Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This is the life...

Many of you may know, but some may not... so I thought I'd give you some good news:
Kyle passed Step 1 (and he did SO great!!)
God definitely answered all of our prayers, and even exceeded them. Kyle did better than he thought! I have to say, both of us were nervous wrecks checking his score! Kyle couldn't sleep the night before - he said he felt like a little kid trying to sleep on Christmas Eve! We we're definitely raising it and praising it to God when we got his results back!

So excited for Kyle!!!

So since then, we've been living the life, let me tell you. We've even been able to spend a few lazy days at the beach. One day we planned a cook out, and grilled hamburgers and chicken skewers, and we even make s'mores! It was a blast!

And just this past weekend, some of Kyle's friends were able to come from Roseau to hang out. We all set up tables on campus and had a little "garage sale" to get rid of some of our stuff before we leave the island. After a hard days work, we headed to the beach for some more fun! Let me tell you, this is how you should live on an island! I'm just happy Kyle's had time to get out of the library and enjoy it!

Kyle flipping off the dock!

Kyle helping Dan up after he got a little stuck in the pier!

Andrea floating away in her tube!

We're going to miss these guys! Sean, Kyle, Greg & Dan

I'll have more of our Dominican adventures to share, but I probably won't update this until after we're back in the U.S. That's right!!! We're leaving the island in just two days!! Our flight takes off at 6:50am on Monday. We are getting all packed up, and though we are excited to get back the States, we will definitely be sad to see our extended honeymoon on the island end!

Can you see the rainbow?

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