Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Won't You Be My Neighbor?

Last semester, I started getting emails from a couple who was planning on moving to the island in May and start this semester. Well, as the emailing continued, we found out we would be neighbors! Chris and Katy came to the island this past break and live just 3 doors down from us! It's so great to have another couple because Kyle and I used to be the only couple living here. We barely even see our neighbors, and half the time I'm the only one here out of all 12 apartments. We were pretty excited to have another couple move in to the building, and better yet, on to the same floor!

Chris and Katy are from Oklahoma, and just got married this past December - newlyweds, like us. They've been coming to RCF and Chris is even thinking about leading worship next semester. And, this is one of our favorite parts.... they LOVE playing cards!! We've already had several spades dates, and taught them how to play euchre. (I never knew that was just a Midwest/Ohio game). It's been great getting to know them!

Once Ashley and Ryan got back to the island, the six of us decided to go out to dinner. We had heard people talking about the Iguana Cafe and how great it is, but let me tell you, the actual cafe is probably no bigger than our bedroom (which is tiny!) It's pretty much a shack on the side of the road.

The sunset that night was gorgeous! We snapped a picture from the third floor before leaving

Kyle outside of the Iguana Cafe

Though the restaurant was tiny, dinner was great!! Kyle and I aren't big seafood fans, but we've been trying it down here to see if we can learn to like it. I ordered the Mahi Mahi, which was delicious and Kyle got the lobster. He learned a little while back that he is allergic to shrimp. Well, he started eating the lobster, and I kept noticing him scratching and clearing his throat. He even had to undo his watch because he was getting so hot. Well, we added lobster to Kyle's allergy list that night. But he said it was so good, he couldn't stop eating!

And of course no night out in Dominica is complete without a little bit of randomness. The Cafe was so small, you could completely see the kitchen. The whole place was being run by a younger Dominican man and a woman, who did the cooking. Well, at some point we hear the woman telling the man that "he just needed to get outside." Well, he proceeds to go outside, and all of a sudden we begin to smell a smell all to familiar in Dominica. Apparently, he needed to go outside and relax with a little help from the ganja... Well by the time he came back in, he was feeling great. He even performed a few numbers for us on the karaoke machine sitting about a foot from our table.

After a few performances, we were waiting for our check when we realized the woman was bringing us dessert. Eating at most restaurants here is like being a guest at their home. So we happily thanked her for the cheesecake, and Ashley was the first one to dig in. I could tell by her face something was up. I took a bite, and it was like taking a huge bite of pure cream cheese! Well, we didn't want to look rude and not eat the dessert she prepared for us. So Kyle took one for the team and ate two big chunks. (Part of me thinks he actually liked it!)

We ended the night grabbing actual dessert at The Tomato. It was the perfect way to end a great night with awesome friends!

The Girls: Ashley, me and Katy

The Guys: Chris, Kyle, and Ryan

We all got together about a week later for a Pizza Party at Ryan and Ashley's apartment. Ashley's friend Julie came to visit from Tennessee, so we all got together to meet her. Ashley came up with this great idea for the party - she baked a bunch of pizza crusts, and had pizza sauce and cheese. Everyone was responsible for bringing their own toppings and we each baked our own pizzas. It was fun seeing what everyone liked on their pizza!

This is what happens when you spend so much time together... you start dressing alike! :)

After eating, we played so many games - which Kyle and I love to do! We started off with Catch Phrase, then Musical Catch Phrase (one of my new favorites - though not everyone was into it!)and then ended the night with our personal favorite, Garbage! We had a blast, and the night served as a reminder of what amazing friends we are blessed with down here!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

I'm laughing just thinking about the cream cheese dessert! :) I tried to wrap it in a napkin and stick it in my purse, but accidentally dropped it under the table (which was kind of a relief...I didn't really want cream cheese in my purse).