Tuesday, April 22, 2008

She's Just Being Maile

We also wanted you to meet a new friend we made this past semester: Maile, the little girl I baby sat for! She left the island last week, and both Kyle and I already miss her! Since I normally woke up early to take her to school, ate lunch with her, and sometimes picked her up from school, I feel like a big part of my day is missing! We had a lot of fun together, but now she's back in the states as her mom, Kristina, is about to take Step 1 and then start rotations!

Meet Maile

I went on a field trip with Maile and the rest of the Day School to Savanne Paille, the Dominican school I tutored at last semester (while I was there, I saw Aaliyah!) It was a really fun day! I have no idea what's going on in the second picture, but her face cracks me up!

To be honest, I think Maile liked Kyle more than she liked me! :) They had a lot of fun together when Kyle would join us for lunch. And my last day watching Maile, we went to the pool after school and Kyle took a study break to join us. We had a blast!

Kyle tried to sneak in a little nap, but Maile caught him!

My beautiful pink, red, sparkle and glow in the dark pedicure, compliments of Maile :) And please check out my tan line from my flip flops - I don't know if it will ever go away!!

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