Monday, January 21, 2008


Ok, technically we've been back for a little over a week now. Things have already been busy, so I have a lot to update you on!

Before we start, we just want to say THANK YOU to everyone who made our break so great! We felt so loved by everyone who asked us about our lives down here, and espcially loved by our parents for putting up with us for two weeks each :) We were so relaxed and refreshed by the end of the break, it was hard to leave!

So, we arrived back on the island on Thursday the 10th, and it was a weird feeling being back. As we walked into our apartment, it felt so familiar but I also found myself wondering, "Wow, did we really live here?" I think we were spoiled over break because we're still adjusting to our wonderful unforgiving white floors constantly covered in dirt and bugs (it's true... we love carpet), the sound of goats and cows outside (honestly, it's like they're baa-ing right outside our window every night) and the wonderful luxury of fully-stocked grocery stores. Actually, we came back with about 100 pounds of food from the US packed in our checked bags. We did have one minor disaster... a bottle of febreeze broke open in Kyle's bag. We attempted to eat febreeze-flavored tortillas one night, but quickly aborted that dinner (though the dog next door loved them!)

Though we do miss the good ol' U-S-of-A, It really is great to be back, especially knowing this is our last semester on the island (God-willing!) We did get to spend a little quality time together before classes started. We went to a beach nearby called Purple Turtle with Ryan & Ashley (though we did not see any purple turtles). This is the beach where most tourists stop by when their cruise ship docks in Portsmouth, and it's a lot nicer than the beach that's about a 15 min walk from our apartment. Ashley and I lounged back, caught some sun, and chatted about our break while Ryan and Kyle started tossing around the football with some Dominican boys.

Purple Turtle Beach!

It wasn't long until they discovered a rope swing tied to a palm tree on the beach. Ashley & I were a little nervous, but soon we were all flying above the water. Here are a few pictures & videos from the day:

Kyle getting ready...

Ashley, bracing herself before take-off...
Ryan wins for going the highest!

We found out its a little easier to push each other than jump from the tree. Ryan put a lot of effort into this one...

I was so nervous I was going to hit that tree on my way back!!

Ashley was pretty good... especially at striking poses mid-air :)

I think you get the idea that we had a great time! Over break and that first weekend before classes, we both loved that we had so much free time to spend together. I definitely got used to having Kyle around, instead of seeing him during study breaks! But we're also excited to get this semester started. Let the countdown to when we leave Dominca begin! :)

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